HV57 UYD 2020-01-24 13:27:45

We live in a quiet and peaceful area in Woburn Sands and this car has recently started parking by the flats next to our house late at night with loud thumping music coming from it, showing no consideration for the residents who live here. The loud music has caused our young daughter to wake up. If this continues I will call the police.
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HV08 FUH 2020-01-20 23:16:46

2008 Vauxhall Corsa Design
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HV57 UWH 2020-01-19 17:05:11

2007 SEAT Ibiza Reference Sport
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HV18 HXJ 2019-12-22 00:13:56

Shit parking of the year award
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HV19 XYT 2019-12-10 14:22:06

Cut me up when 3 lanes were merging to 2 on the m3, should have gone behind me but overtook after the lanes had almost finished merging, causing me to swerve into the left lane and almost cause a crash. This was really dangerous driving
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HV55 HZP 2019-12-07 17:16:42

This fat plonker with "bairns in the car" goes into the back of a stationary bike & when he cant weasel his way out of going through insurance tries to blame the biker for him going into the back of him. Priceless twat.
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HV57 FSL 2019-11-06 21:18:10

hit and run, or rather, scrape and drive off. this is why my bikes got the handblebar end cut off with a nice gash. Dont drive into cyclists you prick.
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HV58 MVE 2019-10-31 08:46:49

At Penn Inn, Mc Donald traffic lights this complete knobhead in a white transit was in the left lane, then changed lane forcing another car in-front halfway across the 3rd right lane, then the idiot then did it again to get into the right lane to the Industrial estate. 8:30am on(31/10/2019)
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HV58 DUJ 2019-10-27 10:53:41

This lady is a thief and had used her car to steal poo from my front garden!
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HV15 JKE 2019-10-18 21:29:05


Dickhead pulls out of Texaco garage as i'm approaching at 50. Too impatient to wait for the huge gap behind me.
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Worst drivers in June

  1. LJ23 YCT
  2. NA06 AAV
  3. GL20 ONN
  4. KM09 PKU
  5. SG10 BZY
  6. S671 UOA
  7. GJ24 NNH
  8. VFZ 8515
  9. GF15 MXX
  10. B16 TAJ

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