HV66 RDO 2017-03-31 23:09:16

Like father like son both retarded cunts. Glad the cyclist is ok
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HV06 OKP 2017-01-22 03:34:43

Massive twat got the cunt stuck on a hill smashed his diff driving down a bend
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HV63 LUW 2016-10-27 20:23:09

Woman driver!
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HV63 LUW 2016-10-26 05:27:04

No one should be allowed to park like that unless they are disabled.
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HV63 LUW 2016-10-22 20:38:05

i was trying to park but he was driving where i was gunna park the tw*t
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HV56 NGN 2016-09-20 15:29:32

Saw today I was driving with someone in a 40 mph zone and I saw him flashing me, then swerved on to the opposite side of the road going around 120 mph, I had to slam my brakes on because there was a bollard in the middle of the road so he could get back on to the right side of the road which he did not do.

I was a white ford fiesta which looked highly modified. Not a good driver at all
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HV02 XZH 2016-08-31 21:25:57

It's all about getting another video on Youtube.
Why do you have to keep mentioning the camera?
You speed up to purposely touch the car which is totally unessecary.
I suggest you take a look at ALL you videos and learn from them as if you carry on being a prick oneday (camera or no camera) you'll antagonise the wrong person won't be able tp go home to upload them.
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HV02 XZH 2016-08-31 11:33:04


Mr. Cyclist.

When you passed the traffic calming measure you can see clearly that there is cut out solely for cyclist's. Why did you not use this? And why were you brandishing a weapon and why were you using foul and abusive language?

Another self righteous cyclist. Rides beside a cycle path instead of on it just because the law says he can.

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HV02 XZH 2016-08-30 19:37:10

Dude can I just ask, why speed up? That's really dangerous and, in this instance, I feel it was most unnecessary. Had you coasted then slightly tapped the brakes I feel this wouldn't have ended there, possibly with a 'thank you wave'. All done and dusted and forgotten about before the day's out probably.

I cycle an awful lot and I get this done on me.. people do make mistakes (including myself). It's just give and take and the world goes round that much smoother.

With that out the way, I feel that what the driver did next was completely and utterly indefensible. I am referring to his apparent desire to use his car as a weapon with which to impede traffic.. doing it to a car would be dangerous, but a bike rider..well that's how people end up seriously injured or even dead. And quite frankly I am appalled at the police response.

My thoughts as regards resolution are thus. If you can't justify the reason why you sped up then with the greatest respect I think you should be done for the offence of furious cycling. The driver for reckless and dangerous driving, and for his threats (the latter a public order offence). Please, if you sped up to tap the car just to prove a point, don't. It is simply not bloody worth it no matter how justified you feel. The last thing you want to be doing is arguing the toss, on a bike, with something that weighs several tons. Your life is far too important. I am just trying to be objective and fair to all and would never advise speeding up like that. If a car swings into you you've had it. Take care all.
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HV02 XZH 2016-09-06 14:10:58

Why do people like this get so upset when someone touches their car with their hand? I dont care if someone touches my car, as long as there's no damage, what's the problem?
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