Volvo saloon in silver. Triple lane change half a mile before exiting the M25 at J8, forcing another vehicle to swerve to avoid a collision. Took lane 1 on the slip, which is left turn only, to undertake another vehicle at speed - cut them up too, by cutting into lane 2 while indicating the opposite direction, also causing them to swerve. Wrong lane at the J8 roundabout to undertake another vehicle, then occupied both lanes on A217 towards Reigate. Shocking.
Thinks it’s hilarious to not let a driver out in front in turn, when queues are backing up - to the extent that it could cause an accident. Just a mean, discourteous woman!
You need to give way when there's a car on your side of the road. Following traffic when it's not your right of way is calling fronting. Just watched you cause a load of traffic on a quiet residential street from my window. You are fucking retarded!
Volvo saloon in silver. Triple lane change half a mile before exiting the M25 at J8, forcing another vehicle to swerve to avoid a collision. Took lane 1 on the slip, which is left turn only, to undertake another vehicle at speed - cut them up too, by cutting into lane 2 while indicating the opposite direction, also causing them to swerve. Wrong lane at the J8 roundabout to undertake another vehicle, then occupied both lanes on A217 towards Reigate. Shocking.