Randomly parked in our car park without asking us. Blocked him in but rather knock on the door and ask to be let out drove over our flowers. Couple of young lads in suit, one with a fasion beard.
This absolute cum bucket drives his shit Peugeot round Wolston constantly revving the tits off it thinking it's some sort of race car. It's not, it's a fucking silver Peugeot. I'm sure you must have downs or something thinking your Peugeot with a cherry bomb sounds cool it doesn't, if you keep going I'm gonna shit on your bonnet.
What a clown you are. Go watch YouTube to see why and Google yourself. Your employer has been emailed a link too. Should teach you that shouting and swearing when you're the one in the wrong doesn't pay. Enjoy your career while it lasts, plonker.
Cut across two lanes of traffic in order to cheat properly queuing up.
Took the left lane on the 3-lane part of the A323, got stuck at a red light, then deliberately steered across right in front of everyone upon the light going green to take a right-turn onto North Lane. No warning whatsoever of this happening, and did not indicate except when already making the ridiculous manoeuvre, making the indicating useless.
Was it worth it? Thanks a bunch for stitching everyone up and nearly causing an accident as the people to your right almost went into you as you went across their path.
Vehicle: Red Vauxhall Astra
Location: A323, turned onto North Lane, Aldershot, subsequently turning off to a back road.
Does not know how to use a filter lane, tried to over take from a car length behind me, less than 10m before the lanes merged. He then proceeded to cut me up, stop his car and got out. Wad very angry and abusive using obscene language. A delight for a Wednesday morning.
Courteous drive let me out in a queue of traffic where everyone else just pulled up I front of me blocking my exit.