KN02 YGZ 2017-07-26 08:53:28

This guy is funny, built like a chicken, but sticking his arms out from his body to try to look bigger! Nope, it doesn't work! You are still built like a chicken!
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KN65 BMV 2017-07-13 15:18:56

Left lane approaching roundabout is marked left turn only, as there was a slight queue the Blue Peugeot decided to ignore this and jump to the front when he wanted to turn right.
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KN12 NWC 2017-07-20 06:12:33

No badge. Not disabled. Scum. Twat.
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KN55 OSB 2017-07-12 20:00:38

I was driving and the co*k pulled out on me and hit my car. Fucked the nearside bumper and sped off.
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KN66 BVG 2017-07-09 20:48:55

Such a dangerous driver! Driving so close to our car, weaving in and out of lanes and undercut us so close we had to emergency brake! Then slowed down? Felt very frightened the whole time he was behind me. Dangerous man.
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KN17 NKH 2017-07-13 23:36:25

Reckless driving, over taking cars at high speed and almost hit a pedestrian trying to make it before the traffic lights turned red
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KN61 SXD 2017-07-13 19:03:12

Under cut me and tried forcing me into oncoming traffic
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KN17 NZT 2017-07-05 12:05:50

White van Merc, driving far too close with penis exposed in his hand masterbating while driving. cutting up others, I pulled over for confrontation, he turned off. I would of let rip on him. Have called police.
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KN60 MYH 2017-07-10 17:13:44

Untaxed and driving like a loony speeding and Weaving. Novelty exhaust.
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KN14 JFV 2017-06-22 16:44:09

White Audi S3 saloon with DSG. Vehicle has been used to commit a burglary in the Tamworth area on 21 June 2017. Driven by two eastern European men, mid 20s. If seen, report to police immediately.
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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