KP13 SCV 2023-04-26 09:34:08

Careful driving in a tricky situation.
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KP22 MLO 2023-04-18 19:44:34

Sat in traffic using mobile phone in lap.
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KP15 ECE 2023-04-13 01:33:37

Cabbie driving on wrong side of road at Red Hotel, Bath Road disregarding others safety
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KP64 NJO 2023-03-20 08:06:25

Driver clearly doesn't give a damn about speed limits, just drives as fast as they please!
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KP14 WWS 2023-02-27 12:00:01

Crap driver swerving in and out of cars as if they are in their own version of fast and furious minus the intelligence
Idiot almost hit a car and still couldn’t work out the difference between the pedals
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KP14 XKD 2023-03-02 17:45:24

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KP19 OFL 2023-02-19 13:25:08

Crashed into something or someone on bagshot road,Bracknell 12 jan 2023
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KP09 HMO 2023-01-25 00:03:24

drives a vauxhall
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KP66 NRJ 2023-01-16 01:19:14

You drove way too close to me in your electric car in Oxford which I couldn’t hear because of hearing loss, then behaved aggressively when I looked to see what sort of person would drive like that. Jan 23
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KP16 OZG 2022-12-23 23:16:59

Dozens of empty spaces in the car park, parked in the motorcycle bay instead. I thought the ability to read signage was required to drive.
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