driving like a spoilt brat mgif wankstain. driving about 100mph to undertake right lane hoggers then immediately hog right lane himself to aggressively tailgate the next hogger. all the time playing with a phone on his lap. cunt.
MGIF by overtaking in a dangerous manner gets you noticed - you had nowhere to go...just look at the traffic in front of you but you still thought "Hey it's only a two wheeler they aren't protected by a metal cage who cares if I injure or kill them"
And then....
✗ Untaxed
Tax due:
09 November 2017
NO. This vehicle is NOT showing as insured on the Motor Insurance Database today
As per date/time stamp Colwick Loop Road onto Daleside Road East, Nottingham
Dangerous illegal overtake, driving the wrong side of the road over a pedestrian crossing and then wrong side over the roundabout - all while on a mobile phone.
Not great taxi driving
Argos van driver driving like a dick. Tailgating me (I'm doing the speed limit) until we get passed the speed camera then shoots off, doing 45 in a 30 until out of sight. Dangerous driver and wanker.
Tosser steaming up the M2 Chatham Hill at 100+ In his nice new sports car. There was a queue on the slip road, so he shot up the inside lane and cut in at the last second causing someone to brake hard.
If the driver is reading this, do everyone a favour and plough your car into a wall. It’s inevitable you’re going to stack it soon anyway, so do the world a favour and make sure the only person you injure/ kill is you.
Drives like a wanker