Shocking, appalling display of dangerous driving. Very nearly caused a multiple pile-up on A75. All the other drivers braking hard to avoid repeated collisions due to his selfish and dangerous overtaking. Wish I had a dashcam. His speed alone would have earned him points and a fine, possibly a ban.
One of the most aggressive, stupid and reckless courier I have ever come across. His company CYC Courier couldn't give a dam either despite report to the Police.
Zafira driver selfishly decided to block me in by parking on double yellows behind me. I had a terrible panic attack due to being trapped. Just a lazy idiot that couldn't be bothered to park legally and walk a few more yards!
KU62 LCO - There's a clear road behind me as far as the eye can see yet this mini driver was far too impatient and just pulled out on my side forcing me to brake hard and gave me the look of "what have I done wrong?" - Read the highway code and find out!!
Shouldn't be on the road, danger to themselves and others