Not taxed, not MOT’d (according to DVLA website) driving far too close and appears to be far too preoccupied with his phone to check the road ahead of him.
Just generally dangerous and irresponsible. Hope he has his license taken away.
This driver hit my car whilst it was in my drive and I was on holiday. I assume she reversed into it. She is now claiming against me and trying to sue me for hitting her. She changed the date of the crash strangely to a date I was at work so I have proof as a letter from work and I will see her in court. This is carrying on since June 2017 the evil woman.
Utter fucking wankstain of a driver.
Wrong lane round a roundabout without indication resulting in him cutting me up, driving at 30 in a 60 and then had the fucking cheek to start flashing and gesturing like a mad man when overtaken on a wide stretch of road with no other traffic.
Not taxed, not MOT’d (according to DVLA website) driving far too close and appears to be far too preoccupied with his phone to check the road ahead of him.
Just generally dangerous and irresponsible. Hope he has his license taken away.