well, fine. ive no issue with folk trying to make a difference, but could you turn your efforts to preventing some serious crime, rather than pursuing 3 mph phone texters... odds are they will complete their journey without issue. odds are, they wont use the phone when sat on the A4 at 73MPH. Like you, i lost someone to a road incident, im sorry too for your loss, but these 3mph texters really are not worth your time.
police vehicles exempt from declarations of MOT. This means that they are not required to take their vehicle to a car garage every year for a thorough examination.
In Birmingham fort shopping centre a man shop lifted in Jd
And the car LJ66 EXG came and park next to the Jd entrance just because there was no parking space and put fucking, retarded orange cones around his car and which made people lives difficult which I had to reverse my car and park into which took me about me 20 minutes. If the police car had parked then I would have got my parking space more faster avoiding all that hassle
For the people saying it doesn't have a valid mot police vehicles don't require an mot as they go through a more strict test. Maybe if people stop and actually look up on facts instead of trying to make the police look bad all the time
Anybody else consider this heartening evidence that the Police are an equal opportunities employer?
To those who said "you would be the first to call em, respect the fuzz etc" Go ahead call em when you need em...be waiting a while! Met too many bendy dodgy coppers in my time to bother calling them.
It's a 68 plate so it wasn't on the road in march 2018?