Driver double parked right beside me and I couldn't get out. He also disrespected my girlfriend by slapping her int he ass eventhough she clearly doesn't like it. He then proceeded to insult my Range Rover since he thought that it was "cheap"
DrMorocho is one of those sad cunts that always seems to get into conflict with other road users because he rides around looking for things to upload to youtube, including stalking young women. Not to mention the fact he's also a cretin that participates in 'Critical Mass' rides which are designed solely to antagonise and gang up on motorists. His YT channel is full of lols. One day he'll get a life.
Why after being told would she continue? Ah well, she will stick herself right in it one day by either being pulled by the old bill, or (Rather harshly) being involved in an RTC.
Never seen such a cool person