Driven like a bellend races up a turn left lane near KFC in Eastbourne and go straight over it's a turn left lane for a reason you fucking idiot because people have been killed there for obviously you're more important in your shitty BMW
This idiot also known as Gemma Lear-Jones rear ended me, she then gave false details, appeared to be under the influence, she was uninsured, we then found out who she was, where she lived etc we went to her address to confront her to give her the opportunity to resolve the whole thing without police being involved etc, it turns out that the guy that answered the door was the other half and he knew nothing about it.
Also the video confirmed to the other half that Gemma was cheating on him with the passenger/guy in her car!
Honestly what a shit show, anyway total damages to the Tesla came to £5k which she is now being pursued for by the insurance company.
She was sent on a driver improvement course but I can’t see that doing much.
This person is a dangerous driver, she will give you false information.
He was staying in a intersection going to ilford where this guy has the nerves to look at his phone and after honking at him he started to buddy its crime to get distracted on the phone and especially while driving think please reconsider your actions.
Driven like a bellend races up a turn left lane near KFC in Eastbourne and go straight over it's a turn left lane for a reason you fucking idiot because people have been killed there for obviously you're more important in your shitty BMW