Silly cow pulled right out in front of me when I was going across a roundabout, they weren’t looking when she done this, beeped then but they took no notice and drove straight on without apologising
Driver didn't pull over properly or even at all to give way up a hill (risks a highway code offence) for multiple vehicles, and when challenged elected to verbally swear unfiltered expletives (risks a criminal offence under Section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986). In short this driver is a danger to others and should surrender their driving licence to Legoland Windsor upon their next visit. Typical Berc In A Merc...
What an extremely impatient salty old man. Kept sounding the horn for me to move onto the roundabout, but doing so would have blocked the path of other vehicles coming from the right. After trying to undertake he then pulled out on another car. Needs refresher lessons.
Excessive speed in school zone