Black BMW 3 series, de-badged on the M1 south
Bullying cars by driving ridiculously close to move them out of the middle lane, with his left indicator on... Possible German? Then staying in the middle lane himself.
Driving over the hatched areas on slip roads.
Accelerating and then breaking for no reason.
Child without seatbelt in the back of the car.
Ultimate idiot.
This driver accelerated round me on Loughborough Road to turn left into Evandale Road, cutting me up and me forcing me to skid to an uncontrolled stop to avoid hitting him; he then accelerated away violently, apparently aware of having done so.
Vehicle cut me up today while I was over taking parked vehicles near side on a country lane leaving Rowlands Castle on my push bike. LL05 BFN muscled through and through an open window yelled "Fuck Off" You can hear the "off" on the video. Charming motorist
Saw this person run someone over and drive away last night. This occurred in Heaton Park, Manchester. Parklife - June 11, 2016. 11:15pm