This car almost killed myself and driver behind overtaking a van, whilst undertaking and undercutting me. If I hadn't slammed on in the fast lane causing guy behind to slam on too, he would have clipped my nose and sent me into the central barrier or clipped the van and sent everyone flying. Idiot driver. Pure luck not to be in a multi pile up.
Well why doesn't this suprise me that this foolish driver has already been posted on here
Driving in newcastles west end then from nowhere this arrogant little boy pulls right out in front of me and never battered an eyelid
I wish i had my dashcam turned on at the time as you all could have seen it with your own eye's, Honestly you would have slagged him off too
I'm a woman with no fear but when it comes to my children being in the car at the time then that scares the crap out of me when idiots like this do this to other drivers
It is intresting to know where he lives so i can send an email to the local police station and inform them that they have a crazy driver in their area
But chances are he will still do this to others as he looked like an ignorant as well as arrogant little arse hole
It was a good job my childrens father wasn't in my car at the time as he would have chased him down and taught him a lesson or two as he works out and lets say he is very, very fit
This car almost killed myself and driver behind overtaking a van, whilst undertaking and undercutting me. If I hadn't slammed on in the fast lane causing guy behind to slam on too, he would have clipped my nose and sent me into the central barrier or clipped the van and sent everyone flying. Idiot driver. Pure luck not to be in a multi pile up.