LM64 ZCJ 2017-11-20 16:25:43

Watch It Drivers!! This Cunt Tailgates you on a dual carriageway about 500m long, then yangs her car to the wrong lane desperate to get I infront then overtakes on the roundabout fighting for the third exit as it is only single lane road, NEDD TO GET THIS BITCH OF THE ROAD, POLICE HAVE BEEN CONTACTED ABOUT YOU YOY SLAG!!!!!
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LM10 NFK 2017-11-27 15:37:10

You are a real cunt, aren't you?
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LM17 ZZN 2017-11-25 20:20:40

Amazing driver!!!
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LM17 WLN 2017-11-20 08:24:42

Very good driver I'm surprised with it being a white van. Stopped at zebra crossings didn't go through red lights and didn't notice him speed followed same direction for half hour.
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LM17 OZG 2017-11-13 17:59:09

STUpid fat kid with a massive chin. Tried brake testing me but I managed to knock him of his bike and see him roll down the hill. His chin is more dangerous than his bike.
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LM11 FEH 2017-11-08 17:03:34

Clearly has anger issues cos he has no hair!! 😂Parked next to his car he told me to move my car or hed kick it in! All caught on my dash cam too u plank Haha!!
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LM16 SJU 2017-10-28 17:06:22

Came zooming around the corner, then refused to reverse back to let me past. For me to reverse to let him past I would have had to drive backwards down the entire road (was no parking bays available for me to reverse into - busy + narrow lane).

He then proceeded to leave his car and walk away for 5 minutes, knowing it would block me in.

When he came back he shouted "faggot" over and over at me. I proceeded to call the police, at which point he tried to get into my vehicle, pulling all my door handles, and the started filming me as I tried to cover my face with a coat.

Driver kept knocking on doors and windows trying to torment me as I spoke with the police.

He finally decided to reverse when he realised I was speaking with the police.
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LM63 EOL 2017-11-02 17:55:32

Stupid arsehole, tailgates and then overtakes and almost causes a crash by cutting me up.
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LM16 AVP 2017-10-27 14:37:22

Hogging outside lane on motorway whilst tailgating the car in front, repeated and unnecessary braking!
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LM10 KCA 2017-10-26 16:24:20

Driving like a lunatic and cutting people up on M65 3.30 pm 26th October 2017
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  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
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  7. KV59 YWN
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