LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:58:28

This driver is the sperm cells their mother should have caught on her tits
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:52:23

Cunt knocked my of my broom.
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:51:26

Seen driving up the graveyard with controversial Nazi flags in the rear windscreen. Crash into him if possible
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:46:34

Caught him dogging with actual dogs. Avoid.
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:34:10

This driver has no respect for anyone or anything.
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:33:16

Well I was supposed to keep this a secret but as this guy is being a total nonce I'll spill the beans - he's hiding 1kg of crack cocaine in a toolbox in the boot
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:30:03

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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:23:27

This man fucked my girlfriend, I just got a bunch of my friends and we all dressed up as Bane and kicked his arse. Sadly he killed himself because he went crazy from being forced to fuck his mother.
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:06:21

I'm Sam Holt and I have intercourse with dogs
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LS65 GWJ 2017-08-23 17:05:28

Good Driver, a1 IS a good driver and knows how to park would buy again.
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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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