Some these clips show just how impatient some people in America can be. Many places over there simply don't have the levels of traffic we have in the UK, not on a consitent basis including minor roads, yet the moment they encounter even the slightest inconvenience, they go into a veritable rage. Even worse now that crony Biden is at the helm.
Two wrongs don't make a right - you were trying your best to deny the car ahead the opportunity to merge. Yes, they should have stayed behind the vehicle in front of them, before the merge in turn; but after this point you should have simply let it drop and stayed back. You continued it,
It’s ok for her to be looking at her phone while driving. She is s wearing a hijab. That will keep her safe. Allah will protect her and the other road users.
Cyclist should have taken up primary position on that section, then there would have been no temptation for the car and keeps them safe. Of course, car should still have waited
Need I say more