MT61 BDO 2019-04-30 01:24:54

Disgusting speed to drive at with a child in the car. When asked at traffic lights about the child’s safety his reply was ‘It isn’t my kid’ lovely chap
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MT18 BDO 2019-04-27 14:36:15

Needs to learn to drive on the motorway the fucking wassock.
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MT57 FJN 2019-04-25 19:07:13

Cockhead of a driver, nearly hit me twice going round elland road exhchange today.
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MT60 PZE 2019-04-03 20:01:59

Flithy, scummy, ugly, toothless, cunts dropping litter out the window of their chav car while they shovel fat and grease into their cunty faces. Absolute pigs.
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MT12 DVJ 2019-04-16 00:00:04

Prick nearly ran us off road. Should loose license. Terrible human being. Don't reproduce
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MT18 XZS 2019-03-24 20:32:09

6 points and £200 fine boy
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MT18 SBZ 2019-04-03 09:07:39

Idiot driver
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MT58 LFF 2019-03-21 14:42:09

Impatient taxi driver coming down Morecambe Road towards Skerton Bridge decides to weave around and into Owen Road to get through the lights as the lights from Morecambe Road for Skerton Bridge were red and he wasn’t prepared to wait. He then sped up behind and tailgated me over Skerton Bridge, along Bulk Road and decided to overtake me on St Leonard’s Gate.
Couldn’t wait his turn or at the traffic lights but was in a rush to push past everyone.
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MT68 USW 2019-03-15 15:52:09

Pulled across in front of me, then proceeded to drive very slow to purposely hold me up. They were doing 30mph in a 50mph zone.
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MT09 DLE 2019-03-22 09:01:09

Had to run back while crossing the zebra crossing, this driver almost hit me! Shame I wasn’t recording the situation or this driver would had been in trouble! Wreckless driver.
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  2. SJ18 BAR
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  5. EO55 ZPN
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  8. BV67 EHX
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