N5 SAB 2022-02-13 14:06:56

Nowt wrong with the parking. Keep your snout out. 👊
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NU58 HAE 2022-02-06 02:10:14

OK so you're providing no supporting information other than a pic and an accisation.. when you come back with something better you might just get the attention you seek. I won't bother asking if you've gone to the police because clearly you don't want to answer questions, right? And in case you are trolling.. these are pretty serious allegations you're throwing about. I suggest you come clean.
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NK03 EVG 2022-02-12 22:14:00

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ND18 DTN 2022-02-05 11:18:24

(not this driver bit a similar tale)

I had a similar thing done to me the other day, only I was on a pushbike turning left out a junction and some impatient loon came up the side lurching and revving.. basically trying make me panic and pull out into the path of oncoming traffic. The traffic was a way pff but building speed, and to my left was a pedestrian island aka pinch-point, so pulling out would have been bad for myself and others. Idiot decided to over-take me and force the oncoming car to brake.

What is it with some people who don't have a second to live and can't or won't respect the rules of the road?
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N666 UTE 2022-02-11 10:44:29

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NG59 CEX 2022-02-09 22:35:34

This isn’t impacting anyone and isn’t worth a post, you inbred fuck
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NL55 VTG 2022-02-09 21:38:14

Saw this truck driving past with a little tykes car on the back. Complete with child. #Nonce
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ND18 DTN 2022-02-06 04:03:25

That's why I never even liked ND18DTN or any driver/drivers like ND18DTN in the first place!
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NU58 HAE 2022-02-05 12:54:43

Gotta love a pikey nonce like pieterjan 🧟‍♂️
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NA18 WFC 2022-01-31 12:27:37

Lovely car, wheels need cleaning by the lewis herself
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