And yet the professional advice is "cyclists ride central on narrow carriageways". Sure, let me just ride central whilst a killing machine is eagerly climbing up my arse.. This scenario is something I experience every single time I go out on a bike. I think The Highway Code needs updating and stiff fines introduced..some people seem to think driving in accordance with the Code - and the law - is something you only do whilst on a driving test..
I always find BMW/Audi drivers amusing wee willy characters. When criticized they always say your jealous. Na! been there done that, I always buy better cars than their poverty specced, outdated ones. They are just very sad people who are bottom of the intellectual league table and think that and old banger with dyslexic plates on somehow elevates them into being more worthy. Like I said, sad people.
This car was parked at the food collection point in the McDonalds drive through for over 40 minutes. I was disgusted as my three small children were starving for their dinner!! Only when he had left did I find out that he'd emptied the place of all the nuggets, tomato ketchup and McFlurrys!! - surprised he can fit in a crappy Lupo!!
The driver of white Ford Transit 115 T350l Rwd NA60 OJS appears as though he wishes to take issue with pedestrians using a zebra crossing. He mumbles something inaudible then appears to become camera shy.
If he sees this we'd be interested to hear what his problem was.
And yet the professional advice is "cyclists ride central on narrow carriageways". Sure, let me just ride central whilst a killing machine is eagerly climbing up my arse.. This scenario is something I experience every single time I go out on a bike. I think The Highway Code needs updating and stiff fines introduced..some people seem to think driving in accordance with the Code - and the law - is something you only do whilst on a driving test..