Not being funny but it looks like a drug dealers car, atleast it matches the driver with his f#@$ing hat! He clearly thinks its a race car, its a wonder its not in a tree by now!
Watch the video as you can see the camera car has only a gap ahead to pull over on their side and yet the Hyundai i10 has a gap before the camera car which means enough space and time to pull in as to give way to camera car
The wanabe driving instructor of which looked to us as a tranny dressed up to the nines with heavy whiskers and a chin like a brickies chisel started to get abusive and started to call us dick heads
As you can see from the video footage as well as the snapshot there was no reason to be abusive to the driver of the camera car as they give way to the oncoming van
So what the hell was the issue!
People if you get a family member to learn you how to drive then please make sure it's actually your granny that takes you out on the road not your grandad dressed up as Doris the toon tart!
NL67LCJ - Driver Deliberately Slows Down to Stop Then Speeds Up When Camera Car Overtakes Her, Previously This Driver Had Been Parked at a Junction For Over 5 Minutes, Was Not Sure as to Why Maybe Using a Mobile? Then She Had The Brass Neck To Flash Her Main Beam at Camera Car, By The Way This Driver Also Had Kids in the Car!