The driver of this BMW 1 series has not passed her driving test, she has been stopped three time since 2014, and all she has got is fined and points, she continues to drive without a license and is always on her own, how long before she kills someone
Yes it would be nice if you had asked me to move for you instead of forcing your way through traffic and laughing at other drivers as you went past them
Also try and ONLY have 5 passengers in your car and not 6 as it's illegal don't you know
I took a few snapshots for evidence but will not post them on here
The shop you had finally pulled up at was your biggest mistake as to where to get out of your car as if you had of looked you would have seen the CCTV above where you parked
So what i did i reported it to police and gave them the time / date and destination so that they can actually see you commit that crime
Good luck on explaining that to them and see if you decide to keep laughing when they hand you a fine as well as points
It can take upto 21 days so don't think you got off with it