NV53 WZY 2016-04-11 16:33:04

Would you like to borrow either of these ? .,
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NV56 OFM 2016-03-25 02:41:50

NV56OFM if you're trying to be a prick.. your luck might just run out - lots of people have cameras. If you REALLY must act like that then don't be surprised if your mush ends up all over the Internet. Cyclists are road users, not targets in a computer game..
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NV52 JNL 2016-03-15 11:14:33

Fat driver, illegal tyres
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NV10 WNF 2016-02-19 16:46:24

Take this idiot off the roads before he kills some one
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NV62 THK 2015-12-09 01:20:01

This driver needs to develop some thicker skin if he/she can't handle being beeped at.
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NV62 THK 2015-10-24 21:23:31

tries to undertake on a duel carriageway nearly causing an accident then brake checks the car he undertook.
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NV61 EUU 2015-07-02 18:32:23

Sorry guys video didn't upload, here is the link

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NV07 OXH 2015-07-07 15:14:53

Not entirely sure if you know this pal, but all cars are fitted with indicators. TRY USING THEM EVERY NOW AND THEN!!
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NV07 OXH 2015-07-07 15:04:02

Stop thumbing your own plate you loser
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NV07 OXH 2015-07-05 23:27:53

thumbing up own plate? Instant ban for you my friend.
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