This so called professional driver used his little lorry to try and intimidate a car driver and use his lorry as a weapon . Video to up load of him making physical threats and gestures whilst trying to push a car along with a baby sat in the back seat . Will be investigating
so if you are on the M25 doing 75mph and you get annoyed with the person infront you just ram him and drive off? anger management issues?!?!? it is with Surrey Police!
Pointlessly overtaking into the gap between me and a lorry on a single carriage road causing me to have to brake hard. Made no progress considering they then stayed behind the lorry and was next to me at the next roundabout.
Pointless, dangerous driving by someone clearly lacking any sense. Hopefully the next time they overtake dangerously it will take them off the road.
This slumber of human being had both his hands rammed down his throat with crabby pattys. His very very obvious overside belly is used to manoeuvre the vehicle through traffic at high speeds. In the back a young adolescent is smoking pot, he seems to be very engrossed in something down below. overall he seems safe but his umma lumps sized body does not seem sufficient to drive for much longer, he should taken off the road for the safety of others
Nice lady in lancaster pretty and let a ambulnace past without any miskakes.