RV57 LNJ 2015-03-04 13:58:56

Unfortunately you are gonna have to get used to it. Most drivers on the road seem to be more like this nowadays.
They call it using their initiative and tghey would have you believe it shows them to be a 'better' driver.
If everyone on the road right now was made to retake their test, the roads would be a much quiter place to be lol.
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RN51 VVK 2015-02-27 19:08:29

Crap driving.
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R19 DSW 2015-02-24 21:43:33

Maniac on the roads. AVOID
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RO63 VXL 2015-02-15 20:29:22

The fool in this car was driving on the phone, when my wife and I shouted from the pavement for him to get off the phone he pulled over and then got abusive. Too stupid to realise he was in the wrong I guess.
He got very aggressive and I was hoping he would throw a punch to give me an excuse to sort him out, but he was just full of hot air.
Anyway I Googled his reg number and found out he is a licensed Taxi driver for Woking Borough, so anyone asking for a taxi in the area might want to avoid this fool. His arrogance suggested that one day he will knock a kid down in a build up area while he's on the phone or texting.
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RX11 AHL 2015-02-21 03:18:53

Learn to drive idiot!
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RF53 MXB 2015-02-08 17:44:33

All comments below submitted at the same time - by the same person I guess - I hope this person's driving is better than their integrity..
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RF53 MXB 2015-02-07 21:06:32

Gave me a lift when I ran out of petrol. Helped me out massively and wouldn't accept any money as payment for his kindness. Really nice person
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RF53 MXB 2015-02-07 21:03:48

was broken down and this fine chap helped me get my car working. very nice person
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RF53 MXB 2015-02-07 20:58:58

Seriously nice car. Amazing driver
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RN51 VVK 2015-02-07 10:33:54

Thx so much for waiting at the traffic lights.
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