Unfortunately this is a common problem for many cyclists.. some drivers simply do not know how to behave around them, and some just don't care. There is simply no excuse for it and yet the first thing idiotic drivers do is try and make excuses such as (non-existent) Road-Tax or saying cyclists should be in the gutter at all times. There's some shockingly poor drivers out there with a terrible attitude, they should be made to re-sit their driving test!
Has no understanding as to how lanes work. Hope that he is registered as an organ donor as riding the way that he does he's going to be eligible for donation pretty soon. This plonker is the sort that gets bikers a bad name.
Nearly hit my heavily pregnant wife as she was crossing a marked pedestrian crossing and then ranted at her that she should have got out of the way faster!
stuck in traffic for 45mins because someone was too pigheaded to reverse