RV09 CHJ 2019-06-11 17:13:47

Tired to shift his bike at my dealer -- faked documentation, basically admitted it'd been stolen then literally ran away when I called him out. Convincing salesman, terrible runner.
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RV14 YPM 2019-06-02 12:32:11

And again! Regular parking spot for his Subways apparently. No badge, no disabled passenger etc.
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RV64 XGD 2019-06-07 12:10:09

Moron, speeds past me on a country road on a blind summit and continues to speed without a care in the world
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RV10 YYW 2019-06-06 17:31:22

Wow! Disgusting comments!
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RV09 VHZ 2019-06-06 14:54:23

Terrible driver
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RV52 WTZ 2019-05-26 11:17:10

Parked directly in the way of delivery access for a food store. Blocked pedestrian walkway
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RV56 DSO 2019-05-31 09:49:48

Drives wrong way down road - absolutely clueless!!!
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RV18 NDU 2019-05-18 15:15:16

This driver believes that you have to drive on the right lane on a roundabout to go straight ahead - cutting up myself and also doing the same to another driver at the next roundabout. He stopped his vehicle in front of my car and then began to reverse back on my car. The next roundabout he did this to another driver he stop his car again stopping all cars on the roundabout, gets out his car to then confront the driver in front who was in the the right.
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RV61 ZBF 2019-05-14 07:28:41

Swanley Roundabout, Kent. The driver of this Audi RV61 ZBF realises he is in the wrong lane, he floors it wheeling spinning then cuts right in front of me. Had to brake so hard so he didnt drive in to the side of my car. Feel sorry for the drivers behind who got a screen full of dust, sorry!

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RV09 KOJ 2019-05-08 12:43:00

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Worst drivers in November

  1. LC06 OPH
  2. KP68 VDV
  3. FN66 JYU
  4. DK55 XAT
  5. KT73 ZHX
  6. RF12 HKU
  7. KV59 YWN
  8. MLP 2010
  9. B16 TAJ
  10. WG02 NFE

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