RV14 YVH 2018-07-04 18:34:32

Cut into a queue after skipping most of it in the second lane then aggressively merged their way in, nearly causing an accident as they forced the car the head of the queue aside, despite there being no space to merge.
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RV18 JJY 2018-07-10 12:33:56

Idiot overtaking in a 30 zone and 40 zone the cars he overtook were doing the speed limit, fast and dangerous driver
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RV66 XRJ 2018-07-04 17:34:32

Parked car hit by this lorry (on narrow street, but parked well within lines) in TW2, damaging off-side mirror.
2 people left me a note alerting me. Suspect neither was the driver.
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RV09 YFJ 2018-06-25 16:50:00

Both your brake lights are out
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RV59 BZW 2018-06-18 01:24:58

This idiot parked poorly in the mother baby space and didn’t have a child.
He met another bloke and handed over a small packet of (what appeared to be) icing sugar. I’m guessing he’s an icing sugar salesman!
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RV13 BEJ 2018-06-18 16:21:16

This guy is using a fake address of Registration for this Audi Car, If you had incidents with this Guy call the Police straight away as he doesn't live in the address where the vehicle is registered and it belongs to someone who doesnt know him and he doesn't know. Looks like an address "bought" fraudulently
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RV13 YVK 2018-06-01 18:48:37

A25 near Shere in surrey at 7:10 am . Pulls out into high speed traffic road. 60mph stretch and sits at twenty. Forces heavy breaking when you realise he isnt driving to the flow of traffic and actualy becoming a hazard. Then pulls away at speed then slams in anchors. Stops in the street gets out tries to open door to assault yelling dont mug me off or i will fuck you up. Then gets back in car, speeds off. Clearly a mentaly unstable individual. Also a danger to himself if choosing to confront the wrong person. Mid /late twenties thin raty faced white male. Casual dressed. Steer clear. Seems unwell in the head.
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RV63 BJK 2018-06-08 14:02:26

Got my wrist blinging in a German
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RV62 NHU 2018-05-31 22:38:01

Gets upset about being cut up when he's doing WELL over 60mph in a residential area.
*sigh* people these days...
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RV57 FNL 2018-05-16 17:53:15

This guy cut me up on a roundabout, he came off the right lane and cut into the left lane and almost run us off the road. He then sped off going way past the speed limit. I have also seen him out multiple times, he always drives way too fast.
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