RV17 XDR 2017-08-09 13:55:55

Moron that thinks rules don't apply to him. Oh he also drinks and drives regularly.
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RV10 YYW 2017-08-05 17:14:12

Well this is about the creepiest thing I've seen a guy do...
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RV62 OMZ 2017-07-19 18:23:06

See? It's not all bad. Cool driver. One in the eye for the resident troll on here and the trolls on you tube like sean sean who have it in for cyclists. Sean's already tried to troll David's video's apparently, however David is the bigger man here Sean. You, James and Sid will just have to go back to your corner. You can't do jack and it pains you.

Cool driver. Cool cyclist. All getting along making the world a better place.
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RV09 AEL 2017-07-25 18:07:42

Complete idiot, undertaking on an roundabout when both taking the 3rd exit. Prat then doesn't like the horn sounded at him and sticks his middle finger up out the window. Pathetic
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RV55 LYT 2017-07-24 11:35:18

this driver is the best
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RV66 DYT 2017-07-21 15:23:04

Selfish cow banged my door in a carpark leaving a small dent on mine and added to her collection of other peoples paint down her door...
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RV13 LSZ 2017-07-12 15:18:27

12-07-2017 at around 8.30 a.m. near the BP P.L.C. offices in Sunbury-on-Thames (Chertsey Road/A244). A child and elderly gent nearly get drenched.
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RV15 ZGS 2017-07-11 21:25:08

Well, well, well - first time I have ever had a "hit" searching on a registration. This guy does down to Salisbury early morning on the A360 as mentioned. I just hope that when he next performs a lunatic manoeuvre he only takes himself out and not some other poor innocent party. He is an idiot of the first order.
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RV55 ZGB 2017-07-12 13:17:37

shocking behaviour
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RV57 RGZ 2017-06-21 19:20:31

Another queue jumping cunt at Rowstock roundabout in Oxfordshire.
Approaching the roundabout from the A4185, the road splits into two lanes and the Seat driver pulls into the right-hand lane and then does a complete circle around the roundabout to queue jump everyone else who is waiting in the left-hand lane to take the first and second exits. In other words he takes the second exit as well but is too impatient to wait like the rest of us. Something he does every weekday night at around 17:10.
I hope saving those 30 seconds of your journey time was worth it you fucking moron?
I sincerely hope that one day someone misreads your intentions and crashes into you and knocks some fucking sense into you, or even better, kills you. It would serve you right for being a selfish cunt.
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