At one point there we see a cyclist. cycling on the pavement at speed past a child. Mate, as a cyclist myself I just want to say this - you are a CUNT. A fucking CUNT. If you are going to cyle on the pavement then you are in the grey area of the law and as such a) pedestrians have priority at all times, and b) you cycle slowly and respectfully. You did neither; you blasted past that kid as though they have eyes in the back of their head. Yeah, I'm pissed..I'm pissed off with selfish CUNTS like you who don't give a shit about other people. Fuck you - get fined or piss off onto the road, where you are supposed to be. Oh by the way did I say fuck you? Fuck you.
At one point there we see a cyclist. cycling on the pavement at speed past a child. Mate, as a cyclist myself I just want to say this - you are a CUNT. A fucking CUNT. If you are going to cyle on the pavement then you are in the grey area of the law and as such a) pedestrians have priority at all times, and b) you cycle slowly and respectfully. You did neither; you blasted past that kid as though they have eyes in the back of their head. Yeah, I'm pissed..I'm pissed off with selfish CUNTS like you who don't give a shit about other people. Fuck you - get fined or piss off onto the road, where you are supposed to be. Oh by the way did I say fuck you? Fuck you.