Cut up a whole que of traffic, then threatened (and did) to cut me up for pointing this out to him. Kept asking what my problem was then shouting over me when I tried to answer! What an absolute r3tard!
I think it's unfair to say this is a typical taxi attitude.. you don't like being stereotyped, right? Well how do you think all the GOOD hire drivers feel reading this? I know many and there's good and bad. The good are family people just trying to earn a living and they do their best to stay safe and legal.
As for this video, the driver's speed is ridiculous.. did he have the cruise (missile) mode engaged? That pass war too close and too fast. The car in front of him does a much better job: stays back at a safe distance and considers whether it is safe and practical. Indicates, giving plenty of room whilst over-taking, and doesn't cut in too soon. Excellent driving in my opinion and a complete juxtaposition of the idiot driver behind them. Luckily the cyclist didn't topple but it could have been much worse and it's no excuse for such crap driving.
A week ago she ran over my pet cat on purpose then she ran over my three year old son and we had to rush him to a an e