This individual was driving like a moron in Pollokshields, tailgating me in a 30mph before overtaking me doing at least 60mph. He achieved nothing as I pulled up behind him at the lights at Shields Road. He then started racing another Audi, turning into the M8. He'll end up killing someone, I just pray it's him and not an innocent motorist. Idiot.
Inconsiderate „Helicopter Parent“ that believes they can park inconsiderately and inconvenience everybody else just to get their precious little one(s) to school.
The school offers free parking in the local car park but these type of parents must park as close as possible and cannot walk.
North Harrow either Melrose, Cambridge and Kingsley Roads
Yet another inconsiderate driver! there was no reason to park half on the pavement on Honiton Road, Swindon blocking push & wheel chair access as plenty of room to park on the road!
This individual was driving like a moron in Pollokshields, tailgating me in a 30mph before overtaking me doing at least 60mph. He achieved nothing as I pulled up behind him at the lights at Shields Road. He then started racing another Audi, turning into the M8. He'll end up killing someone, I just pray it's him and not an innocent motorist. Idiot.