Bloody scruffy chavs. Hope they crash it and burn up. That's all they deserve considering the threat they pose..wouldn't even piss on 'em. Hope they're spotted and their faces plastered all over the Internet.
Just called 101 on this guy outside the Hilton in Deansgate, Manchester after confronting him whilst trying to scam so other poor person. Hopefully they get him
I see that this driver or should i say motor has already been posted on this site, I'l explain, On foot as just been to the shops and i see this male sitting in this very car thought to myself nothing wrong with that. It was the thing that this bloke did next, He started to take photographs of everything and everyone that was on the street including yours truly, I went over to the driver and asked what he was doing, He told me nothing! and i replied yes you are as you are taking random photos with your mobile of people as well as cars.. He then replied piss off as it has nothing to do with me and it was not against the law,, I said okay then if it's not against the law then i will take your photo and went to pull out my phone. He then replied you can not do that as he was in his motor and it was private property and kept his face hidden,,, I then told him if its okay i will phone the police and they can tell him if its okay to take random pictures from within his car of people with children as well as other motors with children in them.... As i walked over to the other side of the road he took a snap of me and so i said keep doing that as at that point i was phoning the law and put my loudspeaker/handsfree on so he could hear the dialing tone and then the message that follows when you request police... H e then started doing something with his phone as i believed he was deleting all the images as to speed with his fingers were moving, you get what i mean!.. I shouted over to him its no good deleting them photos as the police will find the thumbnails,, He said what are thumbnails and i said its what will catch you out.. He then drove off and speed and as he passed i shouted we will monitor your behaviour from now on with local cctv as this was as to deter him coming back in this area.. This male may have been innocent but his actions as well as his behaviour was very odd, I did not bother phoning the law as i know what they would have said... The usual prove it malarky
I'm guessing you told them this BEFORE coming on here to moan?