Bad driver, cannot control the small car she has. Always doing red lights, always hitting bollards. She cannot tell the difference between a pavement and the road.
you pass cyclists WAY too closely, you came past me with about a 4 inch gap between us- in the wet so even more dangerous, then with a car poking its nose out AND a car coming the other way- you HAVE to be 1.5 metres away from me by law- one slip by me on a drain cover, one bump and we're colliding. Wait behind until a gap comes up, then overtake in the other lane, its really not difficult mate.
This scumbag put the lives of dozens of motorists on the A75 at risk by overtaking in the face of oncoming traffic and cutting in dangerously several times.
Selfish and uncaring twat with a shocking lack of driving skills.
Fucking idiot, almost caused an accident on the M8 by not looking what junction she was going towards and changed her mind at the VERY last second almost hitting another car in the next lane. What the actual fuck
Bad driver, cannot control the small car she has. Always doing red lights, always hitting bollards. She cannot tell the difference between a pavement and the road.