Here is the gift left for me by the female driver of SHZ151 at Silverburn shopping centre as you can see we can add can’t park to her list of achievements. She must’ve got her license (if she has one)in a lucky bag!!
Displaying R-plates, so restricted to 45mph, yet bombed past me in a 50mph zone at great speed (I was doing 50). I beeped her, she slammed on her brakes and cut in front, now doing 50, we went over a roundabout and she was very slow to accelerate so I gently pulled out to pass her in the ourside lane, then pulled back in. She responded by driving up close behind me, swinging out wildly, accelerating hard past me, again breaking the now 40mph speed limit, tailgating another driver, changing lanes wildly to overtake or undertake, and eventually she sped off.
Really unpredictable, inconsiderate and dangerous new driver.
Drove out in front of me, and then didnt pick up speed to keep with the flow of traffic, and then when i went to over take she sped up and wouldnt let me back in .
Absolute shocking driving. Boy racer with no concern apart from himself!!