The rear of Sharon Rachel the Alexander Dennis Jodie. The name is positioned differently because of the fleet number, it is positioned above next to the Stagecoach logo (the 2000-2020) logo and livery. This is only on Stagecoach Devon's 16 reg buses (SN16 O).
37442 - Sharon Rachel
The rear of Stagecoach Devon's 10692 'Sharon Ann' taken on my new phone near Exeter bus station on Tuesday 6 December 2022.
10692 - Sharon Ann
The rear of Sharon Rachel the Alexander Dennis Jodie. The name is positioned differently because of the fleet number, it is positioned above next to the Stagecoach logo (the 2000-2020) logo and livery. This is only on Stagecoach Devon's 16 reg buses (SN16 O).
37442 - Sharon Rachel