BMW driving Drug dealer high on Cannabis crashes into a teenager crossing the street.
David Skinner, 18, survived, but suffered several injuries when he was struck by Ahmed Lal, 24 in Wellington, Shropshire.
Lal, who was under the influence of cannabis at the time, had been ‘showing off’ to friends by racing his BMW in and around the town on June 18, 2023.
Stupid bloke in a transit glued to the outer & middle lane of M876 at 60mph for miles. Took no notice of multiple flashes of the headlamps, then threw a tantrum when l passed him in the empty lane 1 throwing his arms around & deliberately blocking me in further down the road.
If this was you, grow up you aren't big or clever, you're just a MORON.
seen this person driving on the 25/03/15,
Great driver got them selfs out of a sticky situation with no problems