This woman parked straddling disabled bays and the bonnet of the car was in the roadway by a foot.
She only moved when she saw me taking a picture, and had been there circa 10 minutes life that.
Just had the displeasure of meeting this fellow on the m5.
He was joining the motorway so as per rules I move over to middle lane to allow him to join.
Because he is incapable of basic driving skills such as driving at an appropriate speed to the surroundings he soon found himself wedged up a lorrys rear end and decided he now wanted to join the middle lane. Since I was nearly past him and passing the lorry I continued in the middle lane.
As soon as I was past him he sharply swerved and pulled into the outside lane, overtook me and then pulled back in front of me and put his breaks on. Genius. Since I was now past the lorry I completed my passing maneuveur and pullled back into the inside lane.
Not content with being on the motorway a mere 5 seconds and nearly causing an accident he decided to do it again, this time forcing me to move back into the middle lane to avoid him, leading to him unsurprisingly speeding it up and doing it again.
This little charade continued until this reprobate clearly realised he was wasting more of his own time than the initial "incident" and proceeded on his way.
If anyone crosses paths with him again just make sure you give him access to all 3 lanes in the motorway as clearly he holds priority over other road users and the highway code.
This guy cant drive to save his life. He parks illegally on a regular basis. I saw him kerb both his driver side wheels on an empty road!