My Daughter whose 5 was astounded by this pretty car in Swindon Town centre today and was continuously waving and pointing at it and the lady driver waved back at her smiling which was nice! Also witnessed some good driving around the busy Magic Roundabout when being cut up left, right & centre.
Why all the negative comments? Jesus just leave it and get on with life it is too short!!!!!! This specific vehicle is being praised by myself for being witnessed the other day by myself and my Huband driving along Great Western Way by the Pegeout dealership garage and there was two lanes to emerge into the lane towards Hibbers Yard (near BMW garage) and you patiently waited and signalled for the Porsche at the side of you on the bus lane to get in your same lane. Well done. This is respectful driving
Thank you Brenda and I know the woman in the Audi putting this comment about my driving should be afraid of her use of her mobile phone whilst this happened as my dash cam says all so everybody who had negative views go away and review your own driving
I think this website is very useful for when you need to check certain vehicles when looking/buying a vehicle (like myself!) however creates lots of unneeded hassle towards that particular offending motorist and reporter of the incident. Soon enough, if she (the lady owner of the Beetle) was in the wrong she will learn by her mistakes and could be new to the roads. Yes granted there are hundreds of offending idiots out there, but you have to understand that your driving may have not been perfect at one point or another in your time of driving. Whether it's her friend commenting or not on her vehicle - there's been no other incidents so leave the motorist to live and learn from the error. I am sure they know where the incident took place on that day. People like you need to stop wasting time and nit-picking faults that are minor. I do not agree with swearing back or road rage it gets a person nowhere. With a car like the lady has, it sounds fabulous and sounds to me she is a fairly new driver and probably made an error and lacked in judgement at the time how to handle the situation as it could've been nerves and the other driver maybe provoked the driver by giving grief back! So it goes both ways. Live and learn. Happy driving Beetle lady do not be afraid of the road.
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