This idiot was driving way too slow on a dual carriageway. I had to pull in behind them as I was approaching a roundabout. They then used the right lane of the roundabout to turn right but cut me up to go straight ahead through a village.. Sat at traffic lights they stalled twice. Then as they went to pull off at the green light they indicated left even though there are no turns. They braked unnecessarily. For example, uphill. They drove up the middle of the road causing oncoming traffic to slow down. And for an encore they constantly used main beam despite the road being lit up, blinding oncoming traffic. Judging by the compact piece of shit they were driving I'm guessing it was some old fart who should not be driving. I overtook as soon as safe to do so because I did not feel safe driving behind this dangerous driver.
Riding around like a complete idiot. No respect for the rules of the road. Nor does the rider have respect for pedestrians as they feel like it’s ok to race up and down sidewalks and public footpaths.
Well done taxi driver illegally spaced plate and also “missed” the sign warning him of the ford and drowned his electric Mercedes Eqv in the river.