Driver Crashed head on into on coming car after overtaking HGV
At Exeter Crown Court, Norman Chai, 66, from Woking in Surrey, was sentenced to two years in custody, suspended for two years, and to be tagged for three months, plus ordered to pay a £2,000 fine by Recorder James Bromige.
The court heard Chai caused a three-vehicle collision on the A30 near Rawridge after he lost control of his vehicle on 26 November 2022, seriously injuring himself and four other people involved.
Being driven like it was stolen. Shot down a right turn only lane then cut in front of me. Continued accelerating in a 30mph limit until it reached another car ahead when it pulled out to overtake with oncoming traffic, by this time he was doing about 60. At the next set of lights he undertook 2 cars causing one to brake sharply.
This is a built up area in Hemel, just hope when they kill themselves they don't take any innocent people with them.
Shouldn't have a license.
shit on my bus!