This thick cunt has multiple occasions on the same road tried to force me off my motorbike now the big man likes to play the brake check and swervey game with other cars, in true needle dick fashion this cunts got big fucking balls aslong as he hasn’t got to leave his car, hipster nonce looking cunt, leave your shitty golf “e” at home and fucking walk if you can’t prevent yourself from being an angry and pathetic little prick on the road, get cancer
I'm a tiny titted bimbo who parks right up on double yellows blocking the pavement. I make no apologies for being a nasty bitch. Still had more shags than you though.
Why would you choose to tailgate and speed in a marked company van? Driver was at least 10-15 mph over the 50mph limit which applies to vans, I was doing 60 and he overtook me...needs to slow down before he causes a crash.
Interesting that all of the deleted reports have suddenly reappeared