Queue of traffic on both sides, this bloke thinks it's fine to just suddenly turn into a sideroad without an indicator. We were not lucky enough to be blessed with mind-reading powers, so don't act confused when the rest of us have to witness your fuckery.
During heavy traffic (5mph) decides to nearly ram my partners car on a roundabout as well as giving lots of abuse while my young daughter is in the car. 3 way roundabout with traffic barely moving due to a bus breakdown trying to pull onto the small roundabout. 55+ year old trying to compensate for a small todger by the seems of it.
This loudmouthed fat ugly cow doesn't know how roundabouts work and expects everyone else to make room for her/it... Calm down Karen! You WERE in the wrong lane, videos don't lie.
Queue of traffic on both sides, this bloke thinks it's fine to just suddenly turn into a sideroad without an indicator. We were not lucky enough to be blessed with mind-reading powers, so don't act confused when the rest of us have to witness your fuckery.