WX63UHB Inwood Logistics
Half a mile of off slip was not enough for this driver to make up his mind where he was going. Left it until the last moment and cut across double white lines to get back onto the main motorway. Worthy of three points on his licence.
This Vehicle was stolen on the 30th November 2015 in Birmingham. If anyone spots it (Volare Blue) Fiat 500 Colour Therapy, Then please contact the police. Thanks
Absolute Pleb! Driving in and out of traffic without indicating or leaving enough space so people have to break to stop driving into the back of him. Driving right up behind people when they were clearly going above the speed limit and using the outside lane correctly yo past traffic in other lanes and not giving them tine to move back in just driving so far up their arse he was nearly sat in their back seat. Driving like a neurotic idiot and is definitely going to kill someone and probably get off Scott free!!!! Definition of Dangerous Driver
D***head driver, going through Tenby and pulls out in front of me at junction, after i flash she proceeds to stick her middle finger up in the car and out the window, and then throw her cigarette at my car.
The moron who drives this doesn't understand the concept of "right of way", cut me up and nearly caused an accident through pig-headedness. Profoundly stupid and arrogant. I have their number plate....I'm afraid their life is about to change.
ARRRGGHHH I'm so angry!! This car full of neanderthals threw their litter out of the car so I beeped at them and they continued throwing ever single bit of their KFC litter out of the car windows all the way up Sandy Park and onto Wick road (they found it hilarious). At the top of Sandy Park, in front of loads of people, they threw a big KFC box out. I reported them to police.
WX63UHB Inwood Logistics
Half a mile of off slip was not enough for this driver to make up his mind where he was going. Left it until the last moment and cut across double white lines to get back onto the main motorway. Worthy of three points on his licence.