This man once got so irrate with a traffic situation that he attempted self suffocation by inserting his full fist into his mouth. There was saliva all over his steering wheel as he struggled for complete insertion. When he noticed me looking he called me (through his muffled fist) a "perfffwwakkkiiii baffffsssterrr", which was obviously his attempt at a racial 'slurr'.
Just reading this thread proves what a dangerous site this. People can post whatever they want and cause distress to others. I've had a false allegation made against me in the past on this site. It was by someone known to me who had an axe to grind and was nothing to do with motoring whatsoever. Reading about the distress that this initial post caused the lady is unacceptable. Things like this can cause genuine anxiety and people can react to it serious ways.
I didn't mean to cause alarm at all. I was driving behind the taxi and did notice and indicator. The only reason a collision didn't happen is because the taxi braked. At least I saw brake lights. I was dropping a friend off and as part of my job, I have to keep a printer in my car hence the printed note. I probably got a bit carried away and did not intend to threat. I apologise for this. I noticed the same car parked in a side street on my way back, so sorry for coming across as a stalker. I don't know where you live at all.
I don't intend to take any action, as I have changed my mind.
Don't you approach a roundabout to go and prepare to stop if needs be, it was obviously clear to carry on or there would have been a crash :/ did the taxi driver have his indicators on maybe that was a factor just saying
Personally I think you should be thanking the driver of this car.....she seems to have given you sad boring and pathetic life a great deal of excitement today so well done driver it's a thumbs up from me
Looks cool.