YA05 WCG 2017-01-08 15:27:27

Loud music at 4-5am noise van don't care about neighbours
Parks on pavement. No regurd for others wakes everyone up yet lives in a caravan in Heysham but always in my street sleeps all day Should learn Highway Code


Reported to police and others.
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YA08 HKY 2016-12-27 09:30:17

why the fuck do bikers go chasing after motorist that commit a road crime and then shit their pants when they get stood up to, not siding with motorists as everyone is entitled to use the roads but it really fucks me off when they turn to chicken soup once they are faced up to, ive had the same done to me and i acted like a gent and let the biker have his say and he really used foul language in front of my 2 and 4 year olds, I got out of the car after suffering 15 minutes of abuse, told him to pop around a corner as didnt want kids to hear anymore lingo from him, he obliged and then i gave him the biggest fucking hiding in his life, i broke 4 of his teeth and his nose cut his face above his eye this was after i told him to take his helmet off, he went down so easy that even i was suprises, he was 6,4 and me im 5,7 slim build he was stocky build, i did not want to come to blows but this biker bullied me and my kids so i just had to let go, he called the police and as i waited 2 people that had been watching the whole incident from the start sided with me and told us that they would be witnesses, the police turned up and the first cop laughed at the biker and said YOU AGAIN! i asked what was so funny and the cop told me that this biker has had more runnings than the tread on his tyres, my witnesses came over and started to shout at the biker (kids were in car with mother) they told the police he started it and i had asked many times for him to stop and he ignored my request, he admitted that he threw the first punch (pathetic by the way) and then i unleashed to defend myself, he was arrested and charged with numerous offences and i was told to go on my way but expect the police as to giving a statement, the biker did not wish to press charges against me, its not nice to fight as would rather get on with folk but there has to come a time when you say enough is enough, i would still do the same tomorrow if anyone endangered my family
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YA08 HKY 2016-12-28 13:12:28

Just typical BMW driving wankers. Nothing new.
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YA10 ETX 2016-12-07 19:45:47

Thats my car it was stolen 5 years ago. its had a few new owners since then
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YA10 ETX 2016-12-04 23:03:44

Holy Mackerel. Take this guy off the road NOW.
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YA10 ETX 2016-12-04 12:41:17

Complete prick. Hopefully he crashes, burns and only kills himself.
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YA10 ETX 2016-12-04 12:35:42

Regular law abiding citizen as the car is properly taxed and MOT'd. Clearly confused into thinking it's a race track. Pass GO and collect bonus
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YA10 ETX 2016-11-28 16:10:46

That's life-endangering driving. I'd get the police involved.
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YA10 ETX 2016-11-26 02:25:27

Not all BMW drivers are wankers. But wankers in BMW's are a special breed.
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YA64 EWE 2016-10-24 19:32:41

A bit of road (common) sense and you would have been able to walk safely AROUND the car.
Did you wait until it moved. lol.

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