You want full justice but you don't want to provide a full, unedited account. You can't have it both ways and as mentioned the police will not you seriously unless you provide the full video. All of us are only seeing a segment of that video, with no description e.g. How did the cars come to end up in that position? All people are asking is provide some background..your version of events. It's clear the person filmed is irate and apparently making racist, ethnic slurs..if you're serious about this and want something done about it then surely you would have no problems providing more detail.
Expect shallow the trolls to attack/down votee this comment, just like they have with others.
No matter which way you look at it, this guy is a very nasty human being. Racism is racism, no matter who says it and his use of profanity goes totally against his supposed cultural upbringing. There is absolutely nothing here to justify that behaviour in any way whatsoever.
What a violent threatening individual.
Surely the police must take action here there must be criminal activity in these actions.
Lock him up and teach him respect he might get some in return.
Disgusting, worthless piece of shit. It would be an insult to men to call him a man!
The fact that people like this can say what they want and it not be deemed racist is wrong! He was, and is, a RACIST. He should be arrested for his actions.
He went to spit at a woman! How fucking dare he! I would happily smash his face in if I'd have seen him try that.
This twat needs locking up.
If this was a white or black British born citizen they would be getting arrested and charged for racism and public order
I guarantee this piece of shit won't
However he should atleast get charged for wearing a Fucking dress ponce
Tailgated me then hit me and rammed me off the road. Then proceeded to drag me out of the car and stab me then drive off. He did leave me a takeaway menu though so it's ok
You want full justice but you don't want to provide a full, unedited account. You can't have it both ways and as mentioned the police will not you seriously unless you provide the full video. All of us are only seeing a segment of that video, with no description e.g. How did the cars come to end up in that position? All people are asking is provide some background..your version of events. It's clear the person filmed is irate and apparently making racist, ethnic slurs..if you're serious about this and want something done about it then surely you would have no problems providing more detail.
Expect shallow the trolls to attack/down votee this comment, just like they have with others.