May I respectfully request that we keep the topic to the matter in hand, as in the poor driving - not turn this into a slagging match over Brexit or EU
Back to the subject in hand - the driver should have been able to see you coming, and realised that there is not enough room for a car and a lorry to be passing those parked cars, and with the right of way being yours he should have stopped, unfortunately a lorry using his size to try to bully his way through.
If Bookers are aware of it, why have they not commented on here - even a simple "We are investigating and will report back".
Accidents happen, but this guy should lose their job for dangerous driving, you are taught spacial awareness - obviously this guy wasn't so shouldn't be on the roads as is a menace.
I do a lot of driving as a professional driver and the amount of bad driving I see is incredible...90% of the time the car is on EU plate - to drive in the UK you should be forced to take a test first.
Might start not giving way and crashing into them in the future.
I would have thought that Bookers would have been looking through their CCTV on the lorry - hopefully the driver will be fired as to drive and use his vehicle as a weapon is dangerous - could have been far worse than just a wing mirror, he should be totally ashamed of his actions and banned.