PE64 LVJ 2016-02-23 21:41:08

Funny how certain makes of car keeping being matched with certain types of arse-holes. In this case, olkswagen (again). Thanks for reporting.
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P463 JKO 2016-02-11 15:49:29

P463 JKO is clearly one of those "I'm in front and nobody shall pass" drivers. He clearly straddled the two lanes (without indication) and biker had safe room to overtake.
Had P463 JKO just accepted the situation then there would be no reason for biker to challenge the dangerous and aggressive driving by P463 JKO
Advice to P463 JKO retake your driving test or go on a Driver Awareness course or hand in your licence.
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P463 JKO 2016-02-11 07:28:49

I've been driving for 31 years, and in that time I have never met a considerate biker - even my son and father are bikers.

Thia biker, simply causes aggravation to the car. Pulling up along side of the car will cause an argument.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-06 15:01:27

I actually think the driver filming this caused the woman unnecessary stress and inconvenience. I don't think the woman was being stupid at all. I think it was the other way round. It makes the person filming look like they are out for trouble.. I just don't see the point of it especially the way the camera car stops and refuses to move forward, despite there being plenty of space to pass. Seriously, this is just a waste of time man. Move forwards with your life and don't appear to be that bad guy out for a fight yeah?
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-06 14:54:32

I have to disagree with this. As mentioned, the driver cleared the calming measure (chicane) in good time, and you could see them from a afar so you had plenty of time to pull-in. This to me isn't even worth uploading. All the best.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-04 12:28:47

Just had an interesting debate with the dashcam driver on Youtube who apparently thinks that my dog chasing a ball on a field is much more dangerous than his aggressive driving style lack of forward planning and road rage to other drivers as displayed in this video clip. I'll let everybody else decide for themselves what to make off that.
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-03 13:45:29

How the driver thought he was in the right beggars belief. Driving n the wrong side of the road.. Typical arrogant male driver, thought he knew best. I do believe he would have come unstuck had he come across me!
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-02 20:15:29

It appears the on coming driver cleared the chicane in good time and the camera car should have given way, pulling in between the 2 parked cars would have been the best way to let the other vehicle pass. It appears even when you came to a stop there was room to your left to pull in yet you made the other car reverse to let you pass. To cap it all you appear to think you were somehow in the right. The other drive courteously let you pass and you are rude. You Sir, are a twat!
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PX08 WHD 2016-02-08 16:42:31

Why not pull over to the left a little and let her pass? Hmmm
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PX08 WHD 2016-01-31 21:35:22

Um, no, you were the one who was obviously in a hurry, probably speeding in a 30 by the look of it. The oncoming driver came through the chicane with plenty of time. At that point you should have seen her coming on her side of the road, where she had every right to be, and you with the obligation to give way to her. I assume the "farcking give waaaaay, Twaaat" was aimed at yourself.
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